Minggu, 08 Juni 2014

tugas should, shouldn't, can. can't

Nama : Renalia Tri O (15210751) 4EA10
1.      Library
Ø  (Should)
That library should be build inside the university
Ø  (shouldn’t)
We shouldn’t be sleeping in the library
Ø  (can)
We can borrow a book from the library
Ø  (can’t)
We can’t eat in the library
2.      Museum
Ø  (should)
You should visit a museum more often
Ø  (shouldn’t)
They shouldn’t stealing from the museum
Ø  (can)
You can find art gallery an the museum
Ø  (can’t)
I can’t locate the museum at map
3.      Park
Ø  (should)
Government should build a park at the center of a city
Ø  (shouldn’t)
We shouldn’t ride a car in the park
Ø  (can)
You can have fun at the park
Ø  (can’t)
They can’t swimming at the park
4.      Restaurant
Ø  (should)
You should buy a bread from that restaurant
Ø  (shouldn’t)
We shouldn’t come to this restaurant
Ø  (can)
He can buy the restaurant
Ø  (can’t)
You can’t park at the restaurant
5.      Mall
Ø  (should)
Ani and I should to the mall now
Ø  (shouldn’t)
They shouldn’t build that mall there
Ø  (can)
We can be shopping in the mall
Ø  (can’t)
We can’t go to the mall because it was raining