Buying Behavior Of Youth Towards
Cosmetic Products Marketing Essay
The proposal is focused on the
behaviour and attitudes on the perception of the youth buying behaviour pattern
towards cosmetics product in UK, Consumers move through a series of steps when
buying a product but mainly the consumer emphasis the product in a way that, it
should deliver to them on low or more affordable price with good quality and
value added features to satisfy there needs. However, to investigate the aspect
of buying behaviour of youth, what factors influence them while purchasing the
cosmetics and how the consumer addresses their buying decision when purchasing
a specific product of cosmetics. The study will explores the buying behaviour
of youth and different kind of consumer behaviour models supporting with
background theories. The research is base on the questionnaires and finally the
conclusion is drawn on the bases of findings.
Consumer behaviour in buying pattern
is differences when comes to the product, price, features, quality, packaging,
lifestyle, status. However, youth is the most complicated group to correspond
with. The youth changing preference affect the buying pattern because they
mostly follow the rhythm of fashion and taste according to the shifting time. Therefore,
Marketers spend millions on market research every year to identify and predict
the changing youth behaviour. With the continually flourish of varieties in
cosmetics the youth encourage with the flavour of attractiveness through
affordable price and changing trend in the market. All this makes it extremely
difficult to understand and target their behaviours.
The consumer will respond according
to the product quality and reliability, the fundamental understanding of
products is necessary to understand the product features, products reliability
and product benefits (Baker, 2004). The consumer is the end user for the
product; consumers buy the products in market; in order to perform successful
sales operations in the market an effective distribution channel and networks
are required for the organizations. Distribution channels and networks play an
important role in the consumer goods industry. Consumer is the ultimate user of
every product, without any consumer there is no market as such (Baker, 2004).
The consumer does not compare the products’ advantages and disadvantages at
each purchase occasion, but is lead by previous experiences and acts out of
habits. Only when the consumer really takes the time to value a new product
does consider factors such as price, taste and quality
The aim of study is to identify the
key aspect that makes change the decision when they buy the cosmetic product.
The youth has very exclusive choices or taste and preferences of cosmetic brands
that make them self-esteem in the society with changing their lifestyle. The
main issue of focus of spot is does the branding is important to them or
product quality, price or it can be wearing cosmetic for self image. Youth is
very difficult group to evaluate because they have changing preferences with
changing time.
The purpose of this proposal is to
contribute to a better understanding and knowledge of consumer buying behaviour
towards purchasing of cosmetics. The aim of the project is to find out the
factors influencing the youth in purchasing cosmetics.
This research work is also designed
to achieve the following specific objectives. To:
Examine the influence of advertising
on consumer buying behaviours
How branding play a role to
influence consumer buying behaviours
To develop the better understanding
that Price can be the factor to manipulate the decision
Consideration on lifestyle or Status
characteristic to determine the changing key for buying behaviour
Does product quality have strong
background to influence purchase decision.
The consumers mind is different from
one another in this as author said in the definition that according to the
human psychology, demographical differences, age & sex and to understand
people needs and to assess the influences of every consumer approach is
different, in theory explained that consumer is treated as decider of the
company, what ever the product comes to the market, the consumer is the
ultimate purchaser for every product, some times the consumers are choosing,
selecting and going for family decision making to choose differently, in one
point of time the consumers differentiated and explained that they are going
for personal and some of the them are using products for profit. (Kotler,
When consumers have had no
experiences with a product, they tend to trust a favored as well known brand
name. Consumers often think well known brands are better and are worth buying
for the implied assurance of quality dependability, performance and services.
.( Schiffman, Kanuk, 2009)
During the 1940s, cosmetics company
executives began targeting specific groups of consumers by age and other
demographic factors. Ads for cosmetics were placed in magazines that teenagers
read. Marketing experts helped the industry to gear certain products to that
young market, packaging then in a way that would appeal to teens, and offer
them at prices young people could afford. Inexpensive lipsticks were among the
first of these products.( Sherrow, 2001)
The consumer behaviour influences in
3 aspects, they are acquiring, using and disposing. The acquiring means that
how the consumer spends money on the products, such as leasing, trading and
borrowing. Using means some of the consumers use the high price products and
some of the consumer sees the quality. Disposing is nothing but distribution,
order or places a particular product (Hoyer, Deborah, 2001).
Price is so often considered an
indicator of quality, some product advertisements deliberately emphasis a high
price to underscore the marketers claims of quality. Marketers understand that
at time, product with lower price may be interpreted a reduced quality. At some
time, when consumers evaluate more concrete attribute of a product, such as
performance & durability they rely less on price & brand name as
indicates of quality than when they evaluate the product’s prestige and
symbolic values.( Merrie, Valarie, 2000)
Advertising informs consumers about
the existence and benefits of products and services, and tries to persuade
consumers to buy them (MacKenzie, 2004).The goal of advertising is to persuade
the consumer to do something, usually to purchase a product. If advertising is
to attract and communicate to audiences in a way that produces this desire result,
advertisers must first understand the consumers.(Lee, Johnson,2005)
Advertiser’s primary mission is to reach prospective customers and influence
their awareness, attitudes and buying behaviour. They spend a lot of money to
keep individuals (markets) interested in their products. To succeed, they need
to understand what makes potential customers behave the way they do. The
advertisers goals is to get enough relevant market data to develop accurate
profiles of buyers-to-find the common group (and symbols) for communications
this involves the study of consumers behaviour: the mental and emotional
processes and the physical activities of people who purchase and use goods and
services to satisfy particular needs and wants (Arens, 1996).
Consumer often judges the quality of
a product or service on the basis of a variety of information cues that they
associate with the product. Some of these clues are intrinsic to the product
and service other is extrinsic. Either single or together such are provide the
basis for perception of product and service quality. ( Schiffman, Kanuk, 2009)
The consumer may expect price to
reflect the quality level of the product. Quality perception may be to do with
the materials or components used in the product. Price, quality can be compared
objectively, the image of the product and the contribution of the chosen item
towards needs satisfaction and lifestyle. (Cant et al, 2009). Consumers were
more likely to switch brands after the price increased than if they were simple
exposed to the higher price to begin with. As pricing can influence the
decision of consumer to take or drop the purchasing idea by which they are go
for substantial product with low price and perceived quality. (Mullen, Johnson,
Personality characteristics are often
revealed in a person concept, which is the way people see themselves and the
way they believe others see them( Kerin et al, 2003) .People express their
personalities not so much in world as inn symbols. Most people are increasingly
concerned about their social status. Different products vary in their status
symbol values (Kumar, Sharma ,1998) Moreover, all people are individual; hence
have a unique personality of different characteristics, which is often
portrayed with traits, such as self-confidence, dominance, sociability,
autonomy, defensiveness, adaptability, and aggressiveness (Blackwell et al.
Brand image takes place when brand
associations held in the mind of consumers are conveyed onto a consumer’s
perception about a brand. These associations can either be developed from
direct experience with the product, from the information communicated by the
company, or from previous associations held about the company and origin, etc.
(Martinez et al. 2003).
Lifestyle is a way of living that is
identified by how people spend their time and resources, what they consider
important in their environment and what they think of themselves and the world
around them.(Kerin et al, 2003). The life styles concept provides description
of behaviour and purchase pattern, especially the ways in which people spends
their time and money. Personality, motives and attitudes also influences
lifestyle. (Cant et al,2009). Lifestyle defines a pattern of consumption that
reflects a person’s choices hoe spend money and time.( Solomon, 2009)
to Kotler, Armstrong there are Four major factors that influences consumer
buyer behaviours
Consumer buying behaviour is
influenced by four key set of buyer characteristics: cultural, social,
personal, and psychological. Although many of these factors cannot be
influenced by the marketers, they can be useful in identifying interested
buyers and in shaping product and appeals to serve consumer needs better.
Culture: is the most basic
determinant of a person’s wants and behaviour. It includes the basic values,
perceptions, preferences, and behaviours that a person learns from family. But
where as Subculture is “culture within cultures” that have distinct values and
lifestyle and can be based on anything from age of ethnicity.
Social factors: also influences a
buyer’s behaviours. A person’s references groups has strongly effect product
and brand choices.
Personal: characteristics influence
the buying decision. The consumer lifestyle is the whole pattern of acting and
interacting in the world are also an important influences on purchase
Psychological factors: consumer
buying behaviour is influences by motivation, perceptions, learning and beliefs
and attitudes. Each of these factors provides a different perspective for
understanding the working of the buyer. (Kotler, Armstrong, 2005)
consumer buying behaviours steps in decision process model
Their mainly five stages of consumer
buying behaviour
Problem/Need Recognition
Problem recognition occurs whenever
there is a significant difference between our current states of affairs and
some states. The need recognition depends on the situation and it occurs in the
several ways. Firstly find the problem which it has to need alternation and
then switch to the opportunity recognition, when exposed to different or better
quality products and this is happen when there is change in the circumstances.
Information search
Once a consumer recognizes a problem
and then its needs to adequate information to solve it. Information search is the
process by which survey the environment for appropriate data to make a
reasonable decision.
Evaluation of alternatives
The next stage of the consumer
decision process is evaluating alternative options identified during the search
process, in this stage consumer seek answer to the questions, when they
evaluate and select from the various product. Consumer will compare what they
know about different products and brands with what they consider the most.
Purchase decision
After deciding whether or not to
purchase, a consumer might move through the first the decision process as it
plans and intend to purchase a particular product or brands.
Finally the purchase is made after
critically analyzing each stages in the decision process. (Solomon, 2009)
to Kotler (1994), the Consumers buying decision process is influenced by three
steps those are as follows:
There are different types of buying
behaviour decisions.
a. Complex buying behaviour:
Consumers undertake complex buying behaviour when they are highly involved in
purchase and complex buying behaviour and perceive significant difference among
the brands. Consumers may be highly involved when the product are expensive,
risky, purchased in frequently and are highly expensive
b. Dissonance – Reducing buying
behaviour occurs when consumers are highly involved with an expensive,
infrequent or risky purchase, but sees little difference among various brands
c. Variety – Consumers undertake
variety seeking buying behaviour in situations characterized by low consumer
involvement, but significant perceived brand difference. In such cases,
consumers often do a lot brand scrutiny (Kotler, 1994).
To identify the factors influencing
the behaviour of buyers of youth.
Brand can be one of the factors that
why young people buy product, they believe on brand because their parents or
friends use it. Or they build an image that this brand provides them the most
satisfaction level to look them attractive.
Advertising is an element that is
used to convince message to in a very informal way to buy the product as it is
most satisfy them when uses. Advertising can be an excellent tool to catch the
youth attention; this may lead to switch the brand and try the other brand of
product and look them more attractive then before.
As the dissertation focus of
attention is youth particularly with the working class, still some are
conscious about the affordable price with good quality of product.
The young generation is concern
about the quality of the product. They want to use the product without any side
effect or harm on their skin.
The art of handling self-image can
take on a great deal of importance in cosmetics specially developed and allow
them to remain attractive in the eyes of other. Most youth of both genders wear
makeup. Does this mean they are all looking for attention? Do all youth who
wear makeup have self-esteem?
The time youth dedicate to the
lifestyle not only plays a part in building harmony between the body and the
mind. It also takes part in building self-respect. The way we see ourselves
affects the way others see us. This is why quality of life starts here, since
essentially, men and women exist in the eyes of others. Youth wear cosmetic
makeup because that would make them feel different about their looks.
The research methodology is a
procedure of collecting data to find out purpose. The data collection
distinguished in secondary and primary data including description of the target
population, survey method, design of questionnaire and presenting and
demonstrated finally, used methods for the analysis.
of research
The purpose of descriptive research
is the exploration and description of phenomena in real life situations. This
approach is used to generate new knowledge about concept or topic about which
limited or no research has been conducted. Through descriptive research,
concepts are described and relationships are identified that provides the basis
for further quantitative research and theory testing.(Burns, Grove, 2004)
When conducting a research, the
researcher can choose between two approaches; qualitative and quantitative
method. The qualitative method involves the gathering of a lot of information
from few examination units through interviews and observations, while the
quantitative method entails that the researcher collects little information
from many investigation units through, for instance questionnaires (Neuman,
Quantitative research used to be the
main method used by the large research companies because it uses number, logic,
statistics and models and operates with large number of respondents. It attempts
to use descriptive approach in the collection and analysis of data. (Wright,
2006, pp 512). The dissertation is on the consumer buying behaviour of the
youth, the quantitative method can distinguish the logically through number of
respondent that what particular age group use cosmetic product. Quantitative
method of research provided insights into the problem and in developing
approach by generating relevant questions. (Doole and Lowe, 2004).
The data collection techniques for
qualitative studies, are dept interview, focus group, discuss guide, project
technique. These techniques are regularly uses in the early stage of attitude
research to pinpoint relevant product related beliefs or attitudes & to
develop an initial picture of consumer attitude. (Schiffman, Kanuk, 2009)
Conducting the quantitative
research, the data collection tools that are required for the appropriate for
this research are:
The secondary data are collected
from sources which have already been created for the purpose of first-time use
and future uses. The secondary data can be obtained from internal sources and
external sources and it depends on what sources most help to obtain the data. (
Panneerselvan, 2004). In the dissertation, the sources of information for
secondary data will be journals, Books, magazine, newspaper, internet,
articles. The advantage of secondary data is save time & cost; it’s also
serves as a basis of comparison for other data and avoids data collection
problems. Secondary data can be usually collect quickly compared to primary
data. The data are source materials that have been collect for the study.
For quantitative research, the
primary data collection instrument is the questionnaire, which can be sent
through the mail to selected respondents for self- administration or can be
administered by field interviews in person or by telephone. In order to
motivate respondents to take the time to respond to surveys, researchers have
found that questionnaires must be interesting, objective, unambiguous, easy to
complete. (Lazar,Schiffman, 2008)
Main sample of this dissertation
research will be descriptive and particularly targeting youth and which is
drawn between both the gender group of male and female. Sample will be focus on
the those group that particular uses the cosmetic product, the sample mainly
taken from the High school ,colleges, cosmetic shops, shopping centres, beauty
saloons and parlours.
Data analysis is conducted to
reduce, organize and give meaning to the data. The analysis of data from
quantitative research involves the use of descriptive procedures to describe
study variables and samples. According to Hulme & Grove “The choice of
analysis techniques implemented is determine primarily by the research
objectives, questions or hypotheses. Data collection, the study variable are
measured through the use of a variety of techniques, such as observation,
interview, questionnaires, scales and physiological measurement methods”.
Lewis- Beck (1995) states that the data analysis helps answer the research
question and better the execution of the analysis, the stronger the
The time was very limited to conduct
the research on the selected topic because studying the pattern of the consumer
buying behaviour needs time to look for more concepts and theories which
provide strong background for the proposal.
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Research of the topic
Proposal statement
Statement of problem &
Purpose of study
Research methodology
Literature review
Data analysis
Final draft
This proposal will be presented in
written form followed the below report structure.
Literature Review
Research Methodology
Sources & Acquisition of Data
Data Analysis
Time framework
In addition, some graphs, charts
& tables may be added in order to illustrate the result or analysis the
data in the dissertation.
Proposal ini menjelaskan bagaimana perilaku dan sikap persepsi pemuda dalam membeli produk kosmetik
di Inggris, dijelaskan bahwa konsumen bergerak
melalui serangkaian langkah ketika membeli produk tetapi penekanan konsumen produk tertuju kepada mereka yaitu
pada harga
rendah atau lebih terjangkau dengan kualitas yang baik dan nilai tambah fitur untuk
memenuhi kebutuhan. Namun bukan hanya itu, disini juga
dijelaskan bahwa mereka para pemuda melihat bukan dari harga dan kualitas
melainkan kepada merek dari barang tersebut. Jadi tidak sembarangan mereka
memilih barang dengan kualitas baik, harga terjangkau dan mempunyai merk
terkenal sekelas dunia.